Patent Portfolio Mining
What is Patent Portfolio Mining?
Patent Portfolio Mining is a process of extracting high value patents in a portfolio and exploring licensing opportunities. To mine the best patents in large portfolios, Copperpod uses 40+ parameters (such as USC 101 issues, potential infringers, forward and backward citations, age of patent and/or foreign applications) to rank patents according to quality and then identify evidence of use or even future use in existing products.

Not all patents are created equal. Patents across an industry and even within a given patent portfolio can vary widely in terms of scope, seminality and enforceability. Your IP monetization campaign needs a deep understanding of the most valuable assets of the patent portfolio.
Our IP team helps mine patent portfolios for the best patents in a given portfolio using a combination of algorithmic approaches and expert technical review to rank each patent on parameters you care most about.
Our patent portfolio analysis provides not just results, but also confidence in an approach that has been continuously improved for over 15 years - and validated through successes in past patent licensing and patent litigation.
The results and analysis are readily actionable. Once the most valuable assets of the patent portfolio are identified, our experts identify potential licensing targets that meet specific revenue/market profiles.
For each high-value asset, Copperpod's patent monetization experts then collect Evidence of Use (EoU) to build claim charts and other collateral necessary to launch a patent enforcement/patent monetization campaign that is engineered to be successful, coherent and cost-effective.