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115 items found

  • Decoding Privacy/Security of Social Media Applications

    Apple user community and as iMessage users can also message beyond that community, and sometimes a data network platforms for social communication and news dissemination, to indispensable tools for professional networking of their scale, complexity, and heterogeneity, many technical and social challenges in online social networks It has been widely recognized that security and privacy are critical issues in online social networks

  • Evolution of Emergency Call Handling Protocols

    Most Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN) have a single emergency telephone number (sometimes known NG911 enables faster network communication and call load sharing between PSAPs.

  • Digital Twin - What is the Future?

    With improvements in networking technology and security, traditional control systems can be leveraged Increased availability of powerful and inexpensive computing power, network, and storage are key enablers help city planners and policymakers in smart city planning by gaining insights from various sensor networks

  • What is SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy)?

    play an important role in the design of low cost, low power chipsets for non-traditional computers and networked over the lifespan of a patient Art - Micrographs produced by SEMs have been used to create digital artworks

  • Augmented Reality (AR) in Car Navigation

    products and find evidence of patent infringement through reverse engineering, product testing, and network Our reverse engineering and network capture analysis services have been relied upon by leading trial

  • What are Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts and Why Should You Care?

    The code and the agreements contained therein exist across a distributed, decentralized blockchain network A network of computers executes the actions when predetermined conditions have been met and verified. time and cash and will profoundly change the way that they associate with each other in the production network

  • IP Becomes Even More Integral To M&A Due Diligence

    The major chunk of the acquisition involves the Technology sector where Wireless Communication and Network larger market share: Companies may decide to merge into order to gain a better distribution or marketing network

  • State of Software Patents Around the World

    in computer technology in order to overcome a problem specifically arising in the realm of computer networks asserts that a computer administered invention is the one which includes the use of computer, computer network

  • Donating Patents: What It Means and Why To Do It?

    represents a potential source of income and both sides can benefit from strengthening their research network Earning Profits Often firms release chosen core patents driven by financial motives, i.e. profiting from network the software business where firms have become aware of the capability of expertise and thoughts of networks In terms of technological reasons, accelerating the innovation process and benefiting from networks are

  • Patent Alert: IBM Awarded DLT Patent for Data Sharing and Validation

    Connected objects can be sensed and / or controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure,

  • Reverse Engineering and the Law: Understand the Restrictions to Minimize Risks

    (ECPA), sections 18 U.S.C. 2510, restricts interference of electronic communications flowing over a network Because packets are communications, network packet inspection may violate the ECPA. The ECPA is a complicated regulation, so if your research involves inspecting network packets, even if Copperpod’s dedicated go-to technical team also performs product testing and network packet capture through

  • Indirect Patent Infringement: What is it and How to prove it?

    Limelight Networks, Inc. - Akamai Technologies, Inc., owns a patent that covers a method for efficient Akamai filed a complaint against Limelight Networks, Inc., alleging both direct and induced patent infringement,%20Inc.%20v.%20Limelight%20Networks

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