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136 items found

  • Protecting Trade Secrets in India

    included names, addresses, contact numbers of the clients, customer database, account information, airway drawings, airway bills templates, etc.

  • Difference Between Continuation and Continuation-In-Part (CIP) Patent Application

    application claims priority may well have been filed before the implementation of America Invents Act (AIA For new patent applications filed since then, the AIA replaces the old first-to-invent system with a status if the parent application was pre-AIA but a CIP patent application, on the other hand, can easily the CIP patent application includes subject matter introduced in the CIP patent application after the AIA implementation date, the entire patent application will become subject to post-AIA treatment, along

  • Oracle v. Google Shows Why Freely Available Source Code Isn't Actually Free

    from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid source, are developed by recreating the functionality of APIs from commercial or competing products to aid

  • Patent Drafting - Best Practices

    What is the aim of the invention? What technical problem was solved by the invention?

  • Smart Snore Detecting Devices - Patents & Perspectives

    make it difficult for snorers to sleep on their backs; nose plugs or nasal strips to widen our nasal airways , or in the case of plugs provide EPAP (Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure); and chin straps or mouth (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) because of the disordered way in which their throat closes while air It's basically an EPAP (Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure) device but enhanced by various sensors. to an airway of the patient, a sensor to generate data representing a property of the supply of air,

  • 3-D Printed Medical Implants

    building successive layers of raw material which are produced from a digital 3D file, such as a computer-aided Medical Applications Patient-Specific Devices and Implants: Patient-specific devices (like hearing aids professionals regularly use models for education, training, surgery preparation and to provide visual aids

  • Functional Claiming - What is "Structure" and Why is it Important?

    Section 112(6), pre-AIA; Section 112(f) post-AIA) allows a claim drafter to recite an element of a claim

  • What is Technology Risk Assessment?

    With the aim to avoid such losses, managers are employing various qualitative and quantitative risk analysis

  • Explained: Fracking for Oil

    Next cement is pumped down the casing, followed by high-pressure air, which pushes the cement to the

  • Calculating Damages During SEP Litigation

    The court may receive expert testimony as an aid to the determination of damages or of what royalty would

  • What is EDX (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy)?

    Environmental/Mining Analysis of Aqueous Solution by EDX-LE - Performance in Air Atmosphere - Determination

  • Tokenized securities on blockchain are here. And they’ve been around for a while.

    world’s first globally compliant decentralized capital market” partnered with another blockchain firm AIKON This article originally appeared on

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